Studies have shown that in healthy beings, our breathing pattern has an influence on our quality of life, length and quantity of life
When we allow the breath to flow into our body, and let go of the need to fix or control our experience, we are able to release resistance and welcome in all our aliveness.
Some of the potential benefits of breathworks include:
Greater clarity (e.g. regarding purpose, life goals, what’s really important)
Significant reduction in anxiety
A deeper or renewed sense of connection – to self, others, nature, and the Universe or higher power
Greater self confidence
Increased self-awareness
Improved motivation / less procrastination
Less stress / improved ability to effectively handle stress
Reduction in muscle tension
Greater freedom of movement
Decrease in physical pain
Better sleep / alleviation of insomnia and other sleep disturbances
Increased or revived libido
A consistent breathwork promotes healing at the deepest level. Many health issues, disorders, behavioural problems are rooted in unresolved emotional issues. Therefore, breathwork can be beneficial for a wide range of disorders, conditions and concerns.
Following are just some of the disorders, conditions and concerns that can benefit from breathwork:
Unresolved grief and loss
PTSD and unresolved trauma
Alcohol or drug addiction
Generalized anxiety
Panic attacks
Anger problems
Sleep problems
Chronic pain
Please be aware not all breathwork is suitable for everyone. And like with any new physical program, you should consult your healthcare professional before starting breathwork.
*It is recommended that you consult your healthcare provider before participating in any form of breathwork. Karen Anne Fasulo and Loka Yoga is not responsible or held liable for any injuries that may occur.

You are the master of your experience
What you will Learn
Week 1
Thoracic Breathing
Ujjayi (psychic breath)
Week 2
Clavicular Breathing
Bhastrica (bellows breath)
Week 3
Yogic Breathing
Viloma (against the grain)
Week 4
Natural Breathing
Nadi Shodhana
Week 5
Mouth Breathing
Circular Breathing
Week 6
Holotropic Breathing
Bhramari (humming bee breath
What you will receive with your investment
We will meet each week virtually for 60 minutes.
Each class, we will review the previous weeks techniques, and then add on from there.
You will be given a workbook each week explaining the techniques so you can practice on your own.
All this for a 1 time investment of $175*
* all funds are charged in USD